Comins Hall

Welcome To Town

The Hall is improving here is how you can help us!

Up Coming Event

July 28, 2024, 1:00 - 3:00 pm 

Ice Cream Social

Parks Pond Campground, Clifton

August 12, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Members and Public Welcome to Attend!

August 30, 2024, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Pie and Bean Hole Bean Sale 

Take Out Only 

Beans $8.00 per pint; Pies $15.00 each

For pre-orders call Donna at 944-5263

Zumba and Yoga is Paused Until September 

Please Check Back

Zumba Classes!

Zumba classes at Comins hall for all levels of experience.

$40 per month due at the beginning of the month. If you start in the middle of the month it's $10 per class.

Saturday Morning 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

This is open for men & women

Yoga Classes?

Yoga meets on Wednesday nights from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

$40.00 per month

Instructor:  Dani Reardon

1387 Main Road

Eddington, ME 04428

A National Registered Historic Place

In 1878, the foundation for what was to become Comins Hall was laid.  After 130+ years the Hall sits tall and proud - a historic landmark and a symbol of community spirit.

Eddington - Clifton Civic Center is a registered 501-c(3) not-for-profit organization run by volunteers.  

Both volunteers and donations are welcome.

The Hall is available at no charge for public events, programs and projects by any group or organization in Eddington and Clifton, and for private functions for a small fee.  Click here for details.

Bottle Shed Beneficiary

Our Bottle shed is currently open for donations.

If you have extra bags of bottles we can have them recycled for you! Just drop them off into the white shed next to Comins Hall.

All proceeds to towards maintenance and upkeep of the hall. Thank you for your generosity!