How To Help Out
The Hall cannot run with out the generous support of volunteers. Volunteers are needed to help with the suppers, bake for the various events at the Hall, and help to maintain and improve the Hall's physical presence.
ECCC would like to acknowledge the following groups and organizations for their generous support:
The Town of Eddington :: The Town of Clifton
Proceeds from the suppers, yard sales, bottle corral, and general donations are used for operation, improvements and maintenance of the Hall. Please consider dropping your returnable bottles at our bottle corral next to the Hall. You save yourself a trip to the redemption center and contribute to a good cause at the same time.
Donate via PayPal with your credit card or debit card!
(You don't even need a PayPal account!)
Become a Member
Please consider becoming a member of the Eddington - Clifton Civic Center.
The Eddington-Clifton Civic Center is a 501c3 non-profit and your membership dues and donations help us survive.
All proceeds go to the preservation and maintenance of Comins Hall.
Membership Dues:
$20 per year for an individual
$40 for a family
$200 for an individual lifetime membership
Donations and Membership Dues of any amount are greatly appreciated and can be sent to:
Eddington - Clifton Civic Center
PO Box 306
Eddington, ME 04428-0306
Please make checks payable to:
Eddington Clifton Civic Center
The Eddington-Clifton Civic Center is a 501c3 non-profit.
There are many projects that still need to be done at the Hall. Donation of money, materials and time make these possible.
Projects include:
Jack and stabilize back corner of shop
Refinish stage floor
Update light fixtures
Parking lot improvements
Second floor wheelchair access
Balcony Restoration